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NPS question (Net Promoter Score)

CSAT-question (customer satisfaction)


Enter each option on a new line.

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Display options horizontally or vertically

Question types

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Sensitive question
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Input type

When choosing email as default value for this question, the survey will be answered by a respondent with this email if the entered value is a correct email. If there already exists a contact with that email the survey will be connected to that contact, otherwise a new contact with the given email will be created automatically.
If you have selected an email to be sent to the respondent this email will be used.

When choosing text message number as default value for this question, the survey will be answered by a respondent with this text message number if the entered value is a correct text message number. If there already exists a contact with that text message number the survey will be connected to that contact, otherwise a new contact with the given text message number will be created automatically.
If you have selected a response text message to be sent to the respondent this text message number will be used.


Add respondent to contact list

Specify conditions for adding the respondent to one or more contact lists depending on how this question is answered.

Send email notification

Specify conditions to receive email notifications based on how this question is answered.

New condition

Existing conditions

This question will show if any of these conditions are true.

"" :


Buttons that appear on a multipage survey