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Available accounts for you
Account information ()
Your contact information
The information below will be public (some optional) to your contacts. It can appear in various touchpoints like mailings and your Preference Center.
Your logotype
Your privacy policy
Retention settings
Number of days that sensitive information will be retained and then deleted.
Date settings
Settings ()
Name your custom fields
The information below will be public (some optional) to your contacts. It can appear in various touchpoints like mailings and your Preference Center.
Text fields
Long text fields (used for contact data exceeding 100 characters)
Date fields
Numeric fields
Mail settings
The information below will be public (some optional) to your contacts. It can appear in various touchpoints like mailings and your Preference Center.
Your default email sender
Data sources
Fetch content to your email from an external feed, such as an RSS feed. You can also list published events on this account.
No result! Unfortunately we could not find anything here.
Data source preview
Account users
Error loading Could not load data at this time, please try refreshing your page. If you keep getting this error contact support.
Verify your email address!
Name and email | Role | Created | Last login | Active task | Remove | App linked | |
Pending invitations
Status | Expires in | Role | Revoke | Manual accept | ||
Pending Pending Revoked | days | Administrator User |
Roles and permissions
Subscription ()
Calculating the size of your subscription
Emails sent last 30 days months
mailings left to send before upgrade.
Total active unique contacts last 30 days months
contacts left before upgrade is needed
Number of emails sent in the last 30 days
We calculate your monthly cost by estimating the number of unique contacts you have been in contact with and the total number of emails sent in all of your accounts (including unsubscribed, bounced and deleted contacts) during the periods indicated above.
Pre-Paid Balance
Pre-paid balance for this account
Shared pre-paid balance for all accounts
Top up pre-paid
Activation required Account must be activated to register and/or pay with credit card
Billing details
Manage API keys
You have no active keys
Created key:
API keys cannot be retrieved once they are created. Make sure you save this key in a safe place like a password management tool.
Created keys
Name | User | Expiry | |